Saving the £s

As someone who's going to end up living on a student budget for the next 4 years (+ the 4 I've already done), I'm becoming ever more money conscious. I'm pretty much an adult now, so I should start saving for important things, right? So, in my quest to save pennies I've been watching various YouTube videos on spending less, and I've found that almost none of the points apply to me. I already don't buy a coffee every day, or get a weekly takeaway. I don't get pedicures or have any expensive hobbies. How am I meant to save money when none of these tips and tricks apply to me, because they were way out of my budget in the first place? I pretty much just eat, go to university, eat again and then sleep (yes, most of my life and spending habits revolve around food). I thought I'd put together a list of some of the things I do in my attempt to save some pennies.

Batch cook meals

I live alone. Well, technically I live in student halls with 3 other people, but I only cook for myself. Cooking for one can become quite expensive, to try and get around this I'll make a big batch of food once a week (usually something like gumbo, stew or fajita mix) and freeze it in separate portions. Then I'll just defrost a meal the night before I fancy it. Eating the same thing every night can get quite boring so I try to have at least 2 different meal options in the freezer at any one time to mix things up a little.

Also at this point I'd probably include always taking a packed lunch to university/work. Since accidentally spending £10 on sushi one lunch (they had a minimum spend on card and I was far too awkward to go and buy lunch elsewhere) I've been bringing lunch with me every day and it does wonders for my bank balance. I maybe go out for meals 2-4 times per month, and when I do I like to keep costs as low as possible (see below).

Deals deals deals

I'm lucky in that I still get student discount, which means there are plenty of options when it comes to anything from discounts on clothes to going out for meals (UniDays is an absolute godsend, but for any non-students there are various voucher apps available). If I'm planning on using a restaurant discount, I always check the terms and conditions before turning up as they're usually only valid on certain days and I don't ever want to get caught out.

I'd also seriously recommend MeerkatMovies. I'll put my hands up and say I love going to the cinema, and it's probably my most expensive past time. Whenever I need insurance, I'll purchase it through comparethemarket because I'd be so lost without 2 for 1 cinema trips. It's even cheaper if you live near one of the VUE cinemas that already only charges £5 a ticket - fingers crossed we get one of those in Glasgow soon!

Lose the liquids 

Okay so so far all of these points have involved food or drink in some capacity. Don't feel pressured to get a fancy drink to go alongside your meal every single time you decide to eat out/head to the pub! I reckon 9 out of 10 times I go out for anything to eat I stick to just tap water, it can feel a little boring at times but those ££ soon add up when it comes to drinks.

Feel like here I should also mention that reusable water bottles are great and save you from having to waste more money and plastic whenever you’re out and about.

Shop your wardrobe

My biggest spending downfall, in addition to all the money I spend on food, is probably clothes. I just love going shopping, and then I tend to forget about all the great things I already have in my wardrobe…oops. So lately I’ve been trying to curb this spending by putting together new outfits with clothes I already own and love, and admitting that I definitely don’t need anymore jumpers (I’m always cold!). When I do feel like I’m missing something I write it down and if I’m still thinking about it a few months down the line, I allow myself the treat. In the past I’ve sold old clothes on Ebay which is always a great option if you’ve fallen out of love with a piece and want it to go to a new home whilst also making a bit of money from it.

I know there’s a lot more I could be doing, no one’s perfect and everyone has their downfalls! What's your advice for saving a few £s here and there?

Emily J


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